Collection Services

Collection Services


We can make sure your used packaging products do not end up in a landfill. We can help you meet your emissions, waste and circularity targets!
Our network of service providers across India can provide collection services for your spent packaging. We can give your products a new life, help you divert waste from landfills and reach your zero waste and emissions targets.

We collect steel drums, plastic drums, small plastic jerry cans and pails, intermediate bulk containers and flexible intermediate bulk containers at a good market price. We too have the Valid Authorisation from Pollution Control Board to Collect and Refurbish the packaging products. All Residue waste from collected packaging products is treated in our ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant) and we are collaborated with the local pollution body (Government) to collect ETP Sludge.

We aim to assist customers and their customers with safe, economical and environmentally supportive collections of eligible spent packaging.

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